Sunday Church School

Billboard 2 - Children's SermonAs the centerpiece of their educational experience at PCUM, children start their Sunday at 10 am in the sanctuary — sharing in singing and prayers, announcements and the reading of God's Word, and experiencing a weekly Children's Message designed especially for them. 

At approximately 10:20 am, children and youth ages preschool through 7th Grade move to age-appropriate Sunday Sunday School classes.

SSch_4297Children gather for lessons, fun and faith-building in classrooms the church's air-conditioned North Wing.  

Our educational programs also nurture adult teachers and children's program leaders.  Their willingness to share their faith and build relationships with PCUM's children will inspire our youngest to learn, to question, and to deepen their faith — to create moments of "ah!" and "aha!" and "I see!"

Please register your child for Sunday School classes by emailing  .