Children and Youth

We Love, Value and Welcome Children to PCUM Loves, Values, and Welcomes Children

PCUM’s priorities ministering to young people are to love, value and welcome children from all walks of life; to equip and challenge them to follow Jesus into the real world; and to share God’s Word with them in relevant and engaging ways. Our children and teens aren't just the future, they're the heart of the church right now! We strive to show children of all ages and every background that this is their church — to create a safe, engaging place for our youngest to feel accepted and loved by God, as they are, and to discover and grow into an authentic and fulfilling life of Christian faith.

Covid children's sermon Advent

Sunday School

At PCUM, children start their Sunday at 10 am in the sanctuary — learning how to worship, sharing with adults and each other in the singing and prayers, the announcements and the reading of God's Word, and experiencing a weekly Children's Message designed especially for them.

At approximately 10:20 am, children ages preschool through 7th Grade move to age-appropriate Sunday School classes. Supported and overseen by our Director of Christian Education, PCUM’s educational programs also nurture adult teachers and children's program leaders. Their willingness to share themselves and build relationships with PCUM's children inspires our youngest to learn, to question, and to deepen their faith — to create moments of "aha!"

Children’s Programs

Children and their developing lives of faith are central to our identity and purpose as a church. Whether it's in the classroom or in worship, having fun or asking questions, building lasting friendships, or taking part in "hands-on" service to others, PCUM's children's programming encourages kids to discover and feel God's acceptance and love for themselves, just as they are.

PCUM's children's programs include weekly large-group singing; lock-ins and “pre Youth Group” activities; a “Toddler Survival Group” that connects toddlers and parents; kids leading regular musical offerings in Sunday worship; and exciting activities throughout the year like retreats, an Easter Egg Hunt, crafts, scavenger hunts, and a dunk tank!

Kids Garden
Bhode - children


The church’s commitment to your child(ren) begins at birth. Our Toddler Room/Nursery program is dedicated to nurturing children from infancy to three years old by providing a safe place to experience and begin learning together about God’s love. The Toddler Room and Nursery are staffed with loving, experienced professional caregivers and, often, parent volunteers. The Nursery is for newborn babies to the walking stage. The Toddler Room is designed for steady walkers.

Child Safety and Care

To ensure their safety we require that your children be registered for the Toddler Room or Nursery. The nursery is open Sundays from 9:00 am to 12 noon. You just bring your child(ren) to the Toddler Room or Nursery before or during the worship service, sign them in, and pick them up after. Childcare at PCUM is also available for special services and events.

Youth (Middle & High School)

Middle school and high school students have unique perspectives and questions about life, about religion, and about God. PCUM's Youth Ministries provide a safe, fun and nurturing place for tweens and teens to be honest about their journeys, find real answers that relate to their authentic selves, and follow Christ into today's world with integrity.

Middle School Youth Group (grades 6-8) meets weekly on Wednesday evenings with PCUM's amazing Youth Directors for fellowship and fun from 7:00-8:30 p.m. in Fellowship Hall.

Senior Highs (grades 9-12) grow in their faith identity by meeting Christ in service: reaching out locally to neighbors in need and traveling internationally to discover God and themselves by building relationships.


Youth Event


Middle School Youth Group

September 11 @ 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

Middle School Youth Group

September 18 @ 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

Homecoming Sunday 2024

September 22 @ 10:00 am - 1:00 pm