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Dedication of New Baptismal Font

June 16, 2024 @ 10:00 am - 11:15 pm

On Sunday, June 16th, the PCUM family will dedicate a new baptismal font funded by many generous memorial gifts made in memory of Mary Johnson, a beloved member and leader of this congregation who died suddenly and too soon in December of 2021. At that new font on that Sunday, the congregation will celebrate the Sacrament of Baptism for three of Mary’s grandchildren.

Working with Mary’s husband, Michael and their five children–Sarah, Matt, Will, Michael Henry, and Annie, who all grew up in this church–the PCUM Session and a team of leaders commissioned this custom font to be built by Artech Church Interiors of Woodbury, Connecticut and the New Holland Church Furniture company of New Holland, Pennsylvania. The font is made of red oak, is larger and better matches the scale, color, and design of our 1913 neo-gothic sanctuary.

In a significant step forward, PCUM’s new baptismal font in Mary’s memory will be placed in the sanctuary’s center aisle, two-thirds of the way forward. In addition, small portions of the adjacent three pews on each side will be cut back to create accessible seating, a tiled space to allow movement around the font, and an architectural emphasis on the font as the center of Christian identity and community.


Date & Time

June 16, 2024 @ 10:00 am - 11:15 pm


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