Serve Others

...I was a stranger, and you welcomed me...

Matthew 25:3

At PCUM, you have a range of opportunities to reach out and serve others, just as God has reached out through Jesus Christ to love and serve us. Stepping beyond self-interest to care for neighbors grows naturally from our encounter with the Good News in worship — and has become part of the rhythm of life at this church.

The church’s hands-on, volunteer-driven ministries demonstrate God’s compassion to a hurting world, build stronger relationships, and offer opportunities for personal transformation as we work side by side toward God’s vision of a more just world.

Local Opportunities

At PCUM, you can provide hospitality and tangible help to homeless neighbors in two active, "hands-on" ministries:

Youth Pumpkin Painting
Serve lunch to hungry neighbors at

Newark’s “7th Street Bistro”

On the third Saturday of each month from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. volunteers prepare, assemble, and serve lunch to approximately 80-90 guests. PCUM joins in partnership with several area Presbyterian congregations to serve at this Newark-based hunger ministry. The Bistro is a popular and rewarding experience for adults, teens, and kids.

Serve lunch to hungry neighbors at

M.E.S.H (Montclair Emergency Services for Hope)

On the fourth Saturday of every month, volunteers prepare and serve the evening meal to hungry and homeless neighbors right here in Montclair. PCUM is an active member of a coalition of Montclair-area churches and synagogues called M.E.S.H (Montclair Emergency Services for Hope).


Serve Nationally & Internationally

PCUM is committed to providing members and friends of every age with transformative national and global experiences in mission. When youth and adults travel to other parts of the United States or across the oceans to build new relationships and serve others, we participate in Jesus Christ's work for justice and peace and we experience God's Presence in life-changing ways.

Midnight Run April 2024

In recent years, groups of PCUM senior highs and adults have traveled internationally to Puerto Rico, Germany and the Czech Republic, Haiti, Kenya, and Brazil. Here in the United States, PCUm teens have traveled to serve others in New Orleans, North Dakota, New York City, and Washington DC.

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