
PCUM Worship services

Worship services in PCUM ’s beautiful sanctuary are at 10 AM. Whether you're a first-time visitor or longtime attender, whatever your background or point
of view, you are valued and welcome here.

Worship In-Person

Sunday @ 10:00 AM

53 Norwood Avenue Upper Montclair, NJ 07043

Worship Online

Sunday @ 10:00 AM

Recent Sermons

Easter Worship

Sunday morning worship starts at 10 a.m. and runs 65-75 minutes. Children have a central role in every service. PCUM's worship is both relaxed and reverential, centered around our engagement with God's Word in scripture and responding with heartfelt prayer, joyful singing, and shared commitment to following Jesus into today's world.

You'll find that the core of the worship experience at PCUM is a serious and expectant engagement with God's Word in the biblical tradition. The Presbyterian values of independent thinking about God and deep caring about the world are emphasized and encouraged. Sermons challenge and equip worshipers to become more willing to relate God's radical, life-giving Word to their everyday lives.

Recent Sermons


Music is the heartbeat of this congregation's vibrant worship life, and everyone is involved--children, youth, and adults alike. Worship music at PCUM features an intentional blend of classical sacred music, Protestant hymnody, contemporary praise music, Gospel songs, and spirituals. A uniquely-gifted adult choir and talented soloists and instrumentalists of all ages offer their musical gifts throughout the year. Teens and children sing and lead worship frequently.

Jeri Leer & choir
New Font


Baptism is a sign that points us to God's unconditional love and what God has already done for us through Jesus Christ’s life, death, and resurrection. For Presbyterians, the act of baptism does not bring a person into a relationship with God. Only God can do that, and we believe that is what God chooses to do — even when our lives are broken, our faith is uncertain, or we are too young to understand or accept that love! So, Presbyterians baptize in response to the gift of Christ that has already been given, and we baptize at any age.

In the baptism of a child, parents join the whole church in committing themselves to raising their child in the community of faith. Here at PCUM, the Sacrament of Baptism is celebrated during regular Sunday morning worship throughout the year. Contact Pastor Greg Horn for more information.

The Lord ’s Supper (Communion)

At PCUM, the Lord’s Supper, or Communion, is celebrated during worship on the first Sunday of the month. Presbyterians believe that the Lord's Supper is a joyous family meal presided over by Christ, who loves and welcomes us just as we are.

In the Presbyterian tradition, trust (faith) in that love above all else and the desire to be reconciled to God and neighbor are all that are necessary to come into Christ's real spiritual Presence at the Lord's Table.  And because none of us is able to understand or earn what God offers us freely, baptized children of any age, who are being nurtured in the significance of the Lord's Supper at their level of understanding, are invited to take their rightful place at the Table.

communion - Advent