Register for Sunday School

Join Us for Sunday School

Contact Information
Please list anyone besides parent(s) listed above who may pick up your child(ren) from Sunday School. Enter NONE for no others.
Name Birthdate Age on September 30 Grade in September Pertinent medical information Is there anything special about your child/youth that you would like the teachers/leaders to know? Actions
Service opportunities:
Our education programs depend on volunteers. Please consider where you might be able to help.
Photo Release Permission Form(Required)
Please indicate whether or not you grant permission for photos/images that include your child (ren) under the age of 18 without any personal identifiers to be published on the church internet site, social media pages, and/or any electronic or printed publications. This permission will be valid for all images obtained during the 2024-2025 Church School year at PCUM (September 2024 through September 8, 2025).
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.