
Baptism - Baptism of babyIn the Presbyterian tradition, baptism a is a sign pointing us to God's unconditional love and what God has already done for us in Jesus Christ.  Baptism is also a special event in the life of a a child, an individual, a family and their church family.  It usually occurs during infancy, though in the Presbyterian Church baptism is appropriate at any age. Baptism is a person's entrance into the life of the church, when parents and adults pubically declare their desire that their children or they themselves be baptized in responseto God's gift to them of unending love in Jesus Christ.

For Presbyterians, the act of baptism, or even the decision to be baptized, does not by itself bring a person into a relationship with God.  Only God can do that, and we believe that is what God chooses to do — even when our lives are broken or we are too young to understand or accept that love!  

If a child is to be baptized, at least one parent should be a member of the PCUM congregation.  That's because, in infant baptism or the baptism of a child, parents commit themselves to raising their child in the community of faith and with an awareness of God's love in Christ as the bedrock of their identity.  The child's church family also responds to God's grace by publicly committing itself to nurturing that child or adult in faith.  Here at PCUM, the Sacrament of Baptism is celebrated during regular Sunday morning worship throughout the year.

To learn more about baptism for your child or for yourself, or for information about membership at PCUM, please contact Pastor Greg Horn at  or at the church at 973-746-3854.